Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Third Year Stats

The Bub had his third year check-up and here's how he measures up:  39 inches tall and 36 pounds.  No wonder I can't carry him very far anymore.

While at the doctor, he also picked up a 24-hour flu bug.  So yesterday around 4 a.m. he started throwing up and then spent most of the day not keeping anything down.  But by evening, thankfully, he was feeling better and today he ate a huge breakfast and went off to school, literally ribbiting and quacking.  Though it's almost 60 degrees, he insisted on wearing his wool duck hat with his froggy rain jacket.

He's very excited about bringing cupcakes to school tomorrow for his birthday, though it's giving me anxiety.  He's insisting on Green Lantern cupcakes.  I refuse to attempt anything difficult.  So I googled "green cupcakes" and he wasn't excited by the results.  Until he saw a giant cupcake about a foot tall, then he saw what exactly he wanted.  Right.  I'm betting that whatever I make, he'll be happy just because it's sugary.


  1. Hahaha, omg he's adorable wanting that big huge cupcake. I think I'd be anxious too, after viewing pics of cupcakes like those! Just channel your natural creativity and it'll be fine.

  2. Only 36 pounds? He always feels so solid, I figured he might be more than 36! But 39 inches, he's gonna be a tall one. But also really cute and really really nice! (Spoken like a true grandma!!) You'll have to let us all know how your cupcakes stacked up!! I'm sure there were no complaints!

  3. For those that are friends with me on Facebook, check out my page for pictures of the cupcakes.

  4. Gotta love how boys stack up....Taylor's 4 Year Check Up measured her out to be 39 inches and 33 pounds----and she's a year older than Sasha!!! Cracks me up! Can't wait to see what my tank weighs at 3 years old, oy. On another note, how in the hell is Sasha 3 years old???!!!
    (this is carrie using mom's computer)

  5. Mon, what "tank" are you referring to? Beckett? So you have TWO "tanks"--but Sasha is a slimmer version. ha ha! And wow, TayTay is a tiny one.
