Wednesday, November 30, 2011

You're Going to Turn Into a Cranberry

Day 7 of cranberry overload.
What do you mean I have cranberry sauce between my eyes?


  1. LOL! Love it. The Cranberry Boy! hugs.

  2. How can Sasha love cranberries? Aren't they sour? I guess as long as it's not green! What a cutie!

  3. The boy's got some eclectic food tastes. Glad it's always fruits and veggies though!

  4. Are you fools kidding? Those cranberries are coated in sugar! And there's not a vegetable that crosses his lips without a gag. (Or at least disguised in a smoothie.)

  5. Well I just remember blueberries, hummus, and a couple other things that I can't remember at this moment but seemed to be rather healthy. It's been so long since I've tasted canned(?) cranberries that I didn't even know they were sugary. Still healthier than a Snickers or something though!

  6. These are fresh cranberries, cooked in water and sugar, 1 cup each. And that boy sure does love his blueblerries! Not a vegetable, but still not a Snickers.
