Friday, January 6, 2012

Family Holiday Visit to Wisconsin

That's Mr. Sasha to you, Santa.

Kids in their Christmas finest.

Beckett's new light-up ringing cell phone.

Trampolines never get old.

Going for a ride on Grandpa's "tractor."

All bundled up and awaiting another turn on the tractor.

Playing with the rocketship.
Too bad I didn't get a photo of the passengers in the back,
Mama and Grandma forced to sit on cold steel in 30 degrees.

Charting a course on the rocketship's computer.

Enjoying his new book on Grandma's lap.

Giving moral support during Taylor's recovery.
Poor girl, tonsil-less, adenoid-less, was forced to subsist on popsicles.
She was screaming and running around an hour after this photo.

Yay for snow on the last day of our visit!
Sasha fell in love with the snowmen.

Grandma taking lessons on how to play superheroes.

The Bub with Grandma and Grandpa.

The Duggans' Grandma Deb.

Yes, you're cute, but you still can't eat the microphone.

Text "VOTE 53555" to cast your vote for the next American Idol!

Aunt Carrie finally meets the real Superman.
(I've only seen her in glasses twice and both times involved sleepless nights with Taylor:
when she was born and when  had her tonsils out.)


  1. Great entry! How wonderful to have these special times saved for posterity. And I notice the new? Superman shirt. Happy New Year to all!

  2. We all had so much fun as these pictures show. You always do a great job of capturing the fun. I love the Carrie/Sasha picture.

  3. Vicarious pleasure seeing how the Wisconsin holiday visit went. Glad Carrie finally got to meet the real Superman (& it is a great photo of the two of them)! And love the Grandpa Gary and Grandma Monica photo with Sasha, aka Clark Kent, aka the real Superman. And Taylor, Sasha and Beckett--always good to see photos of them! Need MORE Mama and Mamu photos!! I know you didn't just drop off Sasha and run to Madison for the week. ;~) Who made the cool (pun!) snowperson?
