As some of you are already aware, Sasha has decided that he doesn't need to sleep. He's been staying up late, late, even later than us. Why? Because he's not tired! Never mind the dark circles under his eyes, the stuttering and aphasia, the grinding of teeth to keep himself awake. Definitely not tired!
As the days turned into weeks, Nerdy and I reached our limits of tolerance. We've desperately sought out advice from books, from Google, from Facebook pleas for an answer. We've tried a number of them: cajoling, ignoring, threatening, playing good cop/bad cop, etc. One strategy in particular was widely recommended and considered ultimately fail-proof. Take the child back to his bed, no yelling, no talking, no interaction, just pick him up and put him back in bed every time he gets out. Apparently most kids will hate this enough that getting up time after time eventually loses its luster.
Unless you're the Bub. Then the kid will think it's a fun game of chase, with the added bonus that he gets tossed into bed like a bouncy house. (Oh, wait, that wasn't part of the strategy. Just me losing my patience.)
So we tried yet another tactic: the sticker chart. We didn't have much hope because he's never been big on stickers or charts. This sticker chart, however, is a detailed map to a large and coveted toy. There is a toy he desperately wants and asks for whenever he thinks of it. It's a spaceship with aliens and "alien's friends." We told him that if he can fill out this chart every day for 7 days, he would get little surprises every morning and on the seventh morning, a big surprise: the luxury spaceship.
The catch is he has to do everything on the chart without fighting or arguing. The first four items listed are really just a ruse to get to the last one. He absolutely must stay in bed when we tuck him in for the night. Even with a lamp on and the door open, he can only fight sleep for so long when confined to his bed. He's been asleep by 8:30 every night so far and we're on Day 4.
[Side story. Check out the hearts on the chart in the picture. As he put them on, he announced that he was putting on 2 hearts because he loves Mamu and Mama. The next morning, he place the third heart there because Mama and Mamu love him. Our little sweetheart.
Tonight, he was about to put a fourth heart on "because Grandma loves me." But then he noticed a new silly monster sticker in the bowl and changed his mind. "I'm going to put a silly monster on because Grandma loves silly monsters." And after moment's thought, "Because Grandma is silly."]
We are thrilled with the apparent success of this method, and even though we think bribing children with toys is not the best long-term strategy, we're willing in this case to buy whatever is necessary to get some sleep.