Monday, March 26, 2012

Little Drummer Boy

Here's a video from last weekend's visit to DC, featuring a child in heaven.  It took me a week to post it because I was trying really hard to filter out the audio of Nerdy's complaining over the sound of the drum clicks.  Unfortunately, I couldn't.  (She's letting me post it anyway.)


  1. Wow, the Bub has the moves down. Very cool! And w/the headset on, can he hear himself play but not hear other people or,... ? Who plays the drums? Margot? Eileen? Looks like fun!! Was Nerdy bitching about a neighbor?! LOL!

  2. Yes, the headset makes the drum kit quiet out of consideration for Eileen's neighbors. Which started the discussion of our rude upstairs neighbors.

  3. Hmmm, that's interesting. Not sure how that works, but good idea! But again, he has the moves--looks like he's done it before. Is the Bub asking for a drumset now? And sorry about your upstairs neighbor.

  4. I agree with Mollie, he does have the moves down, like he's done it before! He was really into the sounds he was making. You could see him hit one "drum" and listen and then the cymbals and listen. What a cool drum kit, especially for kids!!
