Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sleeping on the Floor: An Explanation

OK, OK!  Many of you are upset by the picture of Bub sleeping on the floor.  So I feel the need to explain it.  Perhaps he appears to be a sad and forsaken child searching for some small comfort on the hard wood floor with his stuffed animal friends.

Such is not the case.  Or at least, it's not the full story.

One of the most challenging things about traveling across the world is adjusting to the time change.  Exactly 13 hours different, so day is night and night is day.  Not surprisingly, our dear son who was never the best sleeper on the planet has had a hard time adjusting upon returning from Hong Kong.  To help him, we let him sleep in our bed.  This was no problem when neither he nor Nerdy could keep their eyes open past 6 pm.  They passed out together and I went elsewhere to find light.  But as Nadya acclimated, her bedtime went back to normal which is 2 or 3 hours later than Sasha's.  As a result, we told him that he had to fall asleep in his bed though he was welcome to come in ours as soon as the lights were out.

He didn't argue too much since he was still too tired at bedtime to put up much of a fight.  But now that he finally seems adjusted to the time change, we're encountering resistance.  Not outright.  He has to get up to use the bathroom at least 3 times, turn the light on and off, and each time move the rheostat to achieve the best possible lighting for pretending to pee.  Often he'll hold a race between his two index fingers as they zoom around the floor-tile grout to an invented finish line.  Did I mention that he demands company for each of these activities?  We can be indulgent parents when we want, but we have to eat our dinner sometime before midnight.  So we refused to accompany him in his dalliances.

Denied an audience, he thought he'd challenge us by toeing the line of acceptable bedtime behavior.  He wouldn't leave his room because that's the rule.  Instead, he would line up himself and all his bedtime accoutrements right at the very edge of the room.  But before he got bored, he fell asleep.

He might also have suspected (correctly) that we wouldn't let him sleep on the floor and would instead take him to our bed if he fell asleep there.  But either way, you can all rest assured that he did not remain on the floor for long.  But long enough for us to laugh and take a picture.

And here's a happier picture for you to enjoy.  Blueblerries.  Notice the red envelope behind him.  I took him on an errand to the paper store and he picked one out to mail to himself.  The next day he was delighted with his surprise to himself.


  1. Your a good one, Mamu! Love it that he sent himself a card. Simple pleasures for young and old. What did it say? Perhaps "Congratulations on keeping your parents up all hours of the night!"

  2. That's more like parents have been vindicated and Children's Services will not be called!!

  3. Uh, that would be, in my comment, YOU'RE a good one, not YOUR. argh. And Lynn, absolutely! Now if they just bring the Bub a puppy all will be well in the family. ;-)

  4. OMG, lol on the puppy, Mollie. Maybe a puppy will help him sleep? I still am shocked that he respects the line and doesn't cross it. (except for the thirteen times to go to pee!)

  5. Ha ha. Might help the Bub sleep once the dog is about four years old and has calmed down! Just teasin' you guys. Hope sleep has improved for all!

  6. LOL a puppy?! I can't even imagine it.
