Monday, August 6, 2012

1 a.m. This Morning

Announcement from our bedroom door: “I have to pee.”
“Okay, sweetheart, go ahead.”
“Then can I sleep in Mama and Mamu’s bed?” (Pillow in hand.)
[Dark. Everyone in bed.]
“Hey, there’s the clown shadow. And the robot shadow.”
[No response from parents.]
[Loud whisper:] “Mamu! Look!  It’s the clown shadow. Right there. And the robot shadow over there.  They were in my dreams.”
“Yep, there they are.”
“But they’re not the evil clown and the evil robot.  It’s the regular clown and the regular robot that were in my dreams.  The evil clown and the evil robot are on Mars.  But we’re on Erf.  So the evil clown and the evil robot can’t get us.  Because we’re stuck on Erf.  There’s no food on Mars.  Do you think our neighbor has the shadows in his dreams?  The neighbor through this wall?  The clown shadow and the robot shadow?  We have a real clown in my room, in the bin.  He’s an evil clown but he’s not real.  Tomorrow we can play with the force fields— ”
“Sasha, honey, it’s nice to talk but right now it’s probably best to talk to yourself inside your head.  Or even better, just go to sleep.”
[Rolls over, goes to sleep.]


  1. Oh my, his imagination is wonderful! And his Mama and Mamu are wonderful because you let him be who he is. And "tomorrow we can play with the force fields--" What does that entail? Glad you're back on line! Just one piece of feedback: the font is hard to read (you have aging relatives!)--maybe make it larger or change it? Otherwise it's a great blog. And I just noticed Maya's photo of her cousin is the profile photo! yippee

  2. Holy moly, imagination plus! Is he going to be a writer I wonder? I love the roll over and sleep part. Does that happen often? And most of all, how did you remember any part of the conversation when you were "mostly" sound asleep??

  3. @Mollie: I changed the colors and font and font size. Easier to read? I'm still working on other details, but color/font/text size are easy to change so let me know.

    @Mom: I can remember because even though I was half asleep I was amazed and amused by his nonstop stream-of-consciousness rambling.
