Sunday, August 12, 2012

Summer in Baraboo

Sasha and I spent three weeks in Wisconsin, at the end of June and early July.  So yeah, the post is late and out of chronological order.  We took 2 days to drive there and 3 to drive back.  I highly recommend 3 days when driving with a 3-year-old.  By the end of our second day (a 10-hour drive, I think), he was screaming and twisting against the seat belt.  Good times.  I neglected to include enough running-around time and certainly didn't account for the high number of bathroom breaks and bathroom break emergencies.
The first week was a heat wave like I've never seen.  In this state, anyway.  100+ degree heat for days on end.  But the little mister had swimming lessons every day.  For three weeks he learned basic water skills, how to use a noodle to stay afloat, and most importantly, how to put his head underwater.  And now he's a fish.

I've posted some pictures the few pics I took of our stay.  But Carrie was the attentive photographer and got lots of great photos so you'll have to check out her Facebook page to see more and better ones.  Or at least that's what I heard through the FB grapevine.

Somewhere in western Pennsylvania, vegging out to Care Bears.

Enjoying his first ever Happy Meal toy. 
Mom's mistake: letting him have the toy before the food.

Beating the heat at Devil's Lake with Grandma Z and Tucker.

Grandpa Z playing fetch with a water-happy dog.

Using scuba gear to eat raisins through the snorkel.

Pirates in heels!
Taylor and Sasha get their fashion on.

Your feet are too big to play.

They spent hours in the pool playing make-believe with decorative turtles they stole from Grandma's bookshelf.

I am including this picture as proof that Sasha is not always the first one to lose his pants.

Taylor on a nature walk in Middleton.  Who knew?
You can't see it, but she rode her tricked out,
high chrome, souped up tricycle all the way here.

Experiencing the joy of rain and puddles.

"It stopped raining over here."

In his new outfit from Grandma and Grandpa J.

Getting his hair cut along with Grandpa at the barber shop.

Beckett!  And Sasha watching out for him.

Carrying the only important piece of equipment.

Before their morning coffee: T and S play together without actually interacting.

Getting ready for our 3-day road trip back to NY.
6 Angry Birds bandaids per knee. (Thanks, Carrie.)


  1. Swimming lessons?! How cool. And now he's a fish. Glub, glub. Two days TO Baraboo? How did you stay awake, Mamu? Sure wish I was only 2-3 days away from Baraboo. (Yes, I did it once, but with pharmaceutical support and I was 30 years younger--at least.) Love the Devil's Lake photos, love the rain shot, love them all! And Beckett and Bub--how do they get along? Hugs to you all--sweaty, hot hugs. Ugh!

  2. and the watermelon slurp photo! And Taylor on her nature hike! And the two cousins bonding again. All good. xx

  3. The pictures brought tears to my eyes. So fun to see the fun we had saved forever. Thank you so much for posting the photos of all your vacations. It makes it so much fun to browse through them. Sasha sure had a great time, as did his cousins Tay and Bubba! Love you all!

  4. Awwwww, love the memories!!! Poor Beckett still says "Shasha? Shasha? Shasha!!" for the last 15 minutes of the trip to Mom's house.....anytime we go :(
