Thursday, October 22, 2009

Poor Baby

Hello faithful readers. I am finally updating the blog now that the Bub is feeling better. He’s had a lingering cold for a couple of weeks, featuring lots of mucus, a cough, poor sleep, no appetite (!) and a fever which finally prompted us to take him to the doctor. She said he had inflamed eardrums, probably as a result of the chronic runny nose. She gave him 2 days to let the not-quite-infection resolve itself or turn into a full-blown infection. That was Tuesday. Fortunately, he woke up this morning full of energy and babbling happily. There’s nothing like a sick baby to keep one from engaging in normal life activities.

Stay tuned for more posting—there’s a backlog.


  1. I'm so glad to hear he's feeling better! Sick babies who can't tell you what hurts are so sad:( He's probably got 3X the energy to make up for lost time! By the end of the day, you're probably wishing for a "little" sickness so he'd slow down!

  2. This is the 3rd time I've tried to post a comment--I don't know why it won't post. But what I said was, Poor Bambino. It's hard to imagine him being down and out. But as Monica said he will be going at the speed of light to make up for those sick days! And I was wondering why there hadn't been any posts in awhile. I do love reading them and seeing the pictures.

  3. I don't know why you had problems with commenting, but I had trouble with posting the entry, too. The why is a longer story, but I blame Microsoft Word for the HTML glitches. Let me know if you have trouble in the future.

  4. Aaaw, poor baby. And, oy, poor you! Inflamed eardrums? Ouch!! I'm glad he's feeling better. The picture is very cute.
