Sunday, October 11, 2009

What's up, Doc?

Even though Mister is a long way from talking, he still manages some deliberate noises. You could have knocked me over with a feather the first time he leaned over and sniffed the flowers while we were reading Pat the Bunny. I learned later that this was a trick learned from Nana. She taught him to stick his nose in the book and noisily inhale! I guess it takes a 3-time mother to have faith he could learn to sniff on cue.

The latest is "rabbit." We often read Neighborhood Animals, a picture book of common creatures. Because the words are beyond him, I just say the name of the animal and make its noise. Woof, meow, etc. For rabbit, however, I make the Bugs Bunny sound-- the sort of lip smacking sound that precedes What's up, doc? One day I turn the page to Rabbit and he starts making a smacking sound while sticking out his tongue, a little like he's eating an delicious, invisible ice cream cone. And now the noise has transformed into a silent licking motion, which is weird but hilarious.

I was telling Nana about this at the playground while we were pushing him on the swing. I wouldn't have thought he was even paying attention, much less participating in the conversation, but at the word "rabbit," he starts flapping his tongue like he knows what's up. Awesome.


  1. Great story about the life and times of Sasha & his attenders. Babies are like sponges. Soaking it all up whether the Moms know or not. Go Nana!

  2. Ditto what Mollie said!!! The older these kiddos get, the more clear (painfully clear sometimes) it becomes that they are ALWAYS ALWAYS listening to everything that is happening in their little world. Note to self: If you say "cripes!" with frustration occasionally when you struggle with the baby gate a the top of the stairs, your child will eventually shake the gate and say "Cwipes!" also.

  3. He's such a little smarty. Maybe we'll have to call him Sasha Bunny instead of Sasha Bub!

  4. Sasha Bunny! How sweet. Love it. What's up Doc?

  5. That is SO fricking cute. First I laugh at the thought of you making the animal noises (especially teh Bugs Bunny one) while reading the book, then I laugh at the mental picture of Sasha doing that funny impression. Hee, hee. What fun.
