Thursday, September 2, 2010

Another Summer With Cousin Maya

Once again, cousin Maya spent the summer stateside where she and Sasha were able to spend much of the month of August together.  Initially I think it was difficult for them to share the affections of Nana and Zayde when each of them is accustomed to their grandparents' undivided attention, but they quickly adapted and learned to share the spotlight.  Sometimes if the frustration was just too much, clever coping strategies were invented, like a kiss on the head to mask a sly twisting of the arm.  They played for hours outside with a couple of squirt bottles, shared meals and nightly baths, visited the zoo, explored the city's playgrounds, colored with crayons and put puzzles together.

Maya wins the prize for biggest sweetheart. Her polite requests to "read this book, please," her playful silliness, and her exceptional patience with her exuberant younger cousin were among the many little things that add up to one awesome young girl.

Upon their first meeting, Maya wanted to read a book to Sasha.

Helping Zayde make his "perfect" scrambled eggs.

More helping in the kitchen: testing the jelly roll crumble.

At the beach in Delaware.

Bringing a handful of sand to show Mahmoo.

Sharing beach toys.

Or not.

Coloring, probably on the table.

Ooh la la.  Maya's first french braid courtesy of Margot.

Their own kid-size chairs.

Maya's first game of charades. (She insisted Mama do it first.)  
Cookie Monster, in case you were wondering.

Trying to wrap themselves in a blanket.


  1. Sandy, You are soooooo good at this. Amazing! Wonderful chronicle of a wonderful visit. I am laughing and yet the tears are welling. Thank you.

  2. Looked like a great time. What wonderful memories! And those two sweet cousins--awwww. Even when they weren't into sharing toys! Time for some gymnastic classes for the Bub. Couldn't believe how strong he looked swinging from that bar!

  3. What a great picture montage of your vacay!!! Maya and Sasha are so cute together!! Can't wait to see you in a few days---we'll see if Taylor can play as nicely as sweet Maya :)

  4. You should do blogs for a living, you're so good at it! I love the "sharing" photos. Sasha and Maya look so happy and like they had so much. These vacations are going to be great memories for them, at least when they can remember them! Like Mollie I noticed how strong Sasha has to be to hang from that bar AND kick his legs out! Strong like bull!

  5. Looks like they've made some memories for life. How nice to have such good family.
