Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Visiting Our Faves in Wisconsin

Last week we visited all of our favorite people in Wisconsin (our "faves," in Taylor-speak) and had a grand time.  

On our first full day, we went with Grandma, Aunt Carrie, Taylor, and Beckett to the brand-new Madison Children's Museum.  The new facility is amazing, though we had what I'd like to call a toddler scheduling event.  That is, when we got there, we first had to change a stinky diaper, then TG and the Bub played for a little while, then someone fell and got hurt, then the Bub got cranky and had to eat. So Taylor played arts and crafts while we sat in the cafeteria, and right when we were finishing up, Taylor needed to eat.  Then they played together in the cafeteria for a while until we decided to take them to the rooftop "farm," overriding Sasha's desire to visit the arts and crafts room.  While waiting for the molasses-speed elevator, TG had to use the bathroom 10 seconds before it arrived.  The Rosen/Jensen contingent also missed the elevator and took the stairs instead, which we thought was one floor up but in fact was 3 or 4.  Eventually, we had a good time meeting the chickens and the fish and stomping in gravel while Carrie was obligated to nurse B in a bathroom stall.  Shortly after that, both TG and the Bub developed the Long Stare, the universal indicator of the need for a nap.  In the end, I think the highlight for the kids may have been eating cheese and crackers and playing with the front door.  For which we all paid an admission fee.

The Bub also spent hours of fun helping Grandma in the yard.  In particular, he LOVED to fill the birdfeeders. Understandably, as it involved 1. helping 2. grandma 3. outside 4.birds 5. buckets 6. shovels and 7. putting stuff from one container into another.  He also picked and ate tomatoes from the garden; scrubbed the birdbaths; filled the dog bowls and handed out dog treats; and pressed the button.  The garage door button.  He couldn't go within 10 feet of the garage without begging, "Push da button! Push da button!" and he was frequently indulged by Grandma and Mamoo.  We also had many dance parties to the tune of the Big Wheel's batman theme song and Lady Gaga (courtesy of Aunt Wendy).

Cousin Taylor and Sasha got along semi-famously.  Of course, Sasha loved to run after TG and do whatever she was doing.  A few days found them both running around the house, emitting high pitched screams at the top of their lungs followed by giggles and big smiles.  They spent a day at Grandpa and Grandma J's where they hunted for tigers in the yard until Taylor announced that she was walking "downtown" and the rest of us could follow if we wanted.  Grandpa lives downtown, but I think she wanted us all to walk a few blocks to the Square.  At one point along the way, Sasha veered off and went up to a neighbor's front porch.  TG, exasperated, told him, "That's not downtown!" Also on the way, they found a low-lying apple tree and picked apples for everyone.

Taylor spent a night at Grandma Z's so we could maximize their togetherness and give Carrie a much-needed break.  We went to the nearby state park, Devil's Lake, and had a picnic with more of Sasha's relatives: Great Aunt Marsha and her two sweetheart kids Rachel and Andy.  We couldn't keep the Bub out of the water so let him and TG wade into the lake, checking out the minnows and fish and inspecting and throwing rocks.  That activity got a little dangerous, but thankfully it was time for BBQ before the injuries got too severe.

All in all, the love was flowing strong between the cousins except for a few expected toddler moments, followed by more hugs and kisses and chokeholds of love.

And little Beckett!  He is so stinking cute. Soft and cuddly and frequently cross-eyed, as though being awake is really just too much.  Nerdy and I got to hold him quite a bit and Sasha gave him a couple of gentle kisses-- and even one lick to the top of the head. And we found out that he actually purrs while nursing.  Unbelievably sweet.



Inspecting a hole.

Cleaning the bird bath

Bird feeding before dawn.

Impressing Grandma with his mad skillz.

Using his hand to put food on the fork.

Dance Party!



Which one has a future on Broadway?




  1. I love reading your blog!!! You totally should be a writer! That was a great summary of the trip :) I actually laughed out loud at the "Long Stare" comment and also at that picture of Beckett! Miss you all already, especially that big toothy grin of Sasha's!!!!!

  2. Brings tears to my eyes just remembering with the help of your great commentary and pictures. It was so much fun and so much joy! I LOVE my grandkids! Thank you and Nadya for making the time and effort to come to Wis so we could all enjoy Sasha.

  3. Wow, I'm speechless, Wisco. I wasn't even there and I was touched by your story telling and the photos. And how you sequenced them! Sweet, sweet, sweet. And filling the bird feeders predawn? Definitely a toddler on the grounds!!
    And Beckett--awwww, he does look exceedingly soft and cuddly. And who has a future on Broadway? I tell ya, it's going to happen sooner than later! And she can stay with her aunties and cousin while she auditions for her Broadway debut. Or her first commercial. Anyway, just a delight reading this and imagining how much fun it must be to be a kid and a grandma! And siblings, and cousins, and great aunts, . . . Love to you all--the NY faves and the Wisconsin faves!!
