Monday, December 27, 2010


Yes it's icy and windy.  Sasha's been obsessed about snowmen lately, so we tried to go outside and build one mid-storm.  It was horrible, with icy shards whipping our faces and snow that refused to form even the smallest snowball.  I thought pipsqueak would be disappointed, but instead he asked for his scarf to be pulled up completely over his face, right up to his hat.  Snow?  Not interested.  But Aunt Margot was determined enough to make a snowbush for him to enjoy.  For 5 seconds.  And then we all escaped inside.

Photos courtesy of Aunt Margot.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday!!

I know, I know, this post is way after the fact, but I couldn't let the Bub's second birthday pass without some acknowledgment.  He even had two birthday parties!  The actual 17th of November, however, was spent on a plane.  Sweetly, the Hong Kong customs agent looked at his passport closely enough to wish him a happy birthday.

Amazing red velvet cake by Zayde.

I love this picture.




Safety Tip #97

When taking out the trash...

...always wear appropriate footwear.

Friday, December 17, 2010

How To Get Out the Jitters After a Nerve-wracking Cable Car Ride

More from our Hong Kong trip: an impromptu dance party at Ocean Park. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

In Praise of Flannel-Lined Pants

What genius invented children's flannel-lined pants?  They are so perfect, especially when it gets really cold but doesn't snow all that often.  (Who wants to wear snow pants anyway?)  Since returning from balmy Hong Kong to a cold snap with highs in the low thirties or upper 20s, the Bub has been wearing nothing but pajamas-on-the-inside, rugged-on-the-outside pants deluxe.  And let me give thanks where it's due: Great Aunt Mollie, Great Aunt Maureen, Nana, and Moms have all contributed to this wardrobe favorites pile.  I'll post a pic when I can capture one.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Hong Kong Visit Pictorial

Helping Fro eat "dog food."

The renowned Ball Room.  Every parting ended in tears.

Sasha's birthday party!


Catching the train at Ocean Park where we also saw pandas.

School morning crisis: Maya's sock got dirt on it.

The Mad Stickerer and her willing victim.

Haircut cheerleading by Mama.

Yes, I know, I'm simply fabulous.


Olympics contender, 2025

I love my new red shoes.

The beloved Ah A'iss.

Playing in a tide pool.

Our last night in HK and the first night of Hannukah.