Monday, December 20, 2010

Safety Tip #97

When taking out the trash...

...always wear appropriate footwear.


  1. This sweetie pie in his "taking-out-the-garbage footwear makes me laugh out loud and strangely enough, brings me to tears. Give that trouper a BIG HUG from me. Thanks!

  2. So cute! and so serious..I guess taking out the trash isn't too funny!!

  3. I know, he looks so serious and even sad! He probably couldn't figure out why I was taking his picture.

    Or else the photos capture a glimpse of the real life of toil this poor David Copperfield is subjected to. Put on your boots and take out the trash! Again! And then maybe I'll give you some pants!

  4. I'm choking over here laughing so much at your comment, you wicked Wisco (and you wickedly good writer, Wisco)!! "And then maybe I'll give you some pants!" hahahahahahahahaha!!!
