Monday, December 27, 2010


Yes it's icy and windy.  Sasha's been obsessed about snowmen lately, so we tried to go outside and build one mid-storm.  It was horrible, with icy shards whipping our faces and snow that refused to form even the smallest snowball.  I thought pipsqueak would be disappointed, but instead he asked for his scarf to be pulled up completely over his face, right up to his hat.  Snow?  Not interested.  But Aunt Margot was determined enough to make a snowbush for him to enjoy.  For 5 seconds.  And then we all escaped inside.

Photos courtesy of Aunt Margot.


  1. Love it! The snowbush, the pipsqueak with no bit of face showing, AND TA DA, a family photo!! How wonderful. That one is getting printed out for a frame. Glad Aunt Margot was brave enough to make Pipsqueak that "melting" snowman. Maybe post-storm the snow will be easier to make something from. Hugs to all!

  2. My favorite photo is the one with the scarf pulled all the way over his face! LMAO Kids are just too funny! And tell Margot that her Snowbush is fabulous and she's very artistic.
