Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday!!

I know, I know, this post is way after the fact, but I couldn't let the Bub's second birthday pass without some acknowledgment.  He even had two birthday parties!  The actual 17th of November, however, was spent on a plane.  Sweetly, the Hong Kong customs agent looked at his passport closely enough to wish him a happy birthday.

Amazing red velvet cake by Zayde.

I love this picture.





  1. Aww, what a great series of 2nd b-day photos. Props to the Hong Kong custom agent and yes, that photo you love, I love it too. What a great look on his face. You called him pipsqueak in a recent email and I want to keep calling him that. It's so CUTE for him. Alo!! and thanks for the post. Oh yes, that cake looks DELICIOUS!! Props to Zayde! (props--I've used this word, heard others use it, never looked up it's origins--FYI: slang since 1992 for proper dues.)

  2. And I LOVE that kitchen set. It's beautiful--and not made of cardboard as my playmate's was when we were kids. Looks like he can pass it down to his kids!!

  3. That cake is amazing. Looks like he got a lot of cool presents. I didn't know if he'd dig the puzzle with the magnet fishing pole. He loves puzzles so much that I thought he'd rather take the pieces out by hand! Maybe he does?

  4. I don't think I ever realized that "props" was short for proper dues.

  5. First of all, great pictures of the always-adorable Sasha; secondly, now I feel the pressure to post some of Tay's 3rd Bday; and thirdly, thank you for the tidbit of pop culture, Mollie!! I never knew what "props" was short for, and now I do!!! Makes total sense, too. :)

  6. @Carrie: It does make sense. And not that I thought it was a bad word, but I used to use it & knew when to use it, but not sure WHAT it stood for. Hey, no pressure to post 3rd b-day stuff on Tay's & Beckett's blog--unless of course that will be her only memory of it. tee hee. Couldn't resist. I'm sure you took 1000 photos and more. Remember, you're posting for family far away. And if you're too busy skip it.

  7. I did NOT like my word verification for that comment I just wrote: it was "sundic." Once I got "fisting!" ugh!

  8. LMAO! I don't think I ever considered the word verifications as actual words. From now on I will! Hilarious.

  9. Wisco, glad you got a laugh out of that!! Made me giggle. They usually aren't words, but "fisting" sure was. And "sundic." Guess I was just in a grumpy tired-of-the-rain mood when I complained about that!!
