Friday, December 10, 2010

Hong Kong Visit Pictorial

Helping Fro eat "dog food."

The renowned Ball Room.  Every parting ended in tears.

Sasha's birthday party!


Catching the train at Ocean Park where we also saw pandas.

School morning crisis: Maya's sock got dirt on it.

The Mad Stickerer and her willing victim.

Haircut cheerleading by Mama.

Yes, I know, I'm simply fabulous.


Olympics contender, 2025

I love my new red shoes.

The beloved Ah A'iss.

Playing in a tide pool.

Our last night in HK and the first night of Hannukah.


  1. How does one know life is back to normal? The blog returns!!!! Welcome home and thanks for all these wonderful glimpses into your trip. Happy birthday, Happy Chanukah,Merry Xmas, Happy New Year to one and all.

  2. Thanks so much for finding the time to post the HK pictures! The tide pool look cool and there was an orange fish in it! Sasha wasn't even afraid. He looked SO HAPPY in the picture with Alice. Must have had a long nap. I love his new haircut. The picture with the sticker victim and sticker queen, my eyes went to the cool floor. Is that at Alice's house? Great picture of "heavy eyes" where Sasha's in the stroller. Who did the very cool face painting?

  3. Yeah don't we wish that was an orange fish in it. Sadly, it's a piece of trash. And Sasha ain't afraid of no trash.

    I love the tile floor, too. It's beautiful. And it's around the front door of the house.

    Face painting is courtesy of Alice. The "tiger" face was a collaboration, however, after Maya determined that Alice's tiger face didn't look like a tiger at all and went to Papa to make it better. Which he did by adding paint to her hands and feet-- and thus to random red splotches throughout the house.

  4. It looks like you guys had so much fun!!! Was it summer over there? That must have been a nice treat :) Maya looks like a "kid" now---like she's past the toddler phase already!!! So adorable. And I love how Sasha is smiling up at you so endearingly in the pic where you're putting his shoes on. He's so photogenic and crazy cute!!! Looks like a good time was had by all :)
